Vending Machine Options

We have a variety of different options available to satisfy the needs of each customer.

We start by sending in a sales rep to evaluate the potential company so we can design a program that will be attractive to your employees.

Here is an explanation of our most common programs.

Traditional Vending
SVS Vending Systems will place the vending equipment in your location and maintain it at no charge to your company.

Depending on the volume of the account we will schedule a route driver to regularly come buy to restock the machine, clean the machine and perform preventative maintenance checks. Some accounts we service daily most accounts we service weekly.

Contact us now to discuss the option that will best suit your company.


Free Vend
Free Vend is very popular amongst the high tech companies in Silicon Valley.

SVS Vending will place the vending equipment in your location for free. All the machines will be set to vend at no charge.

The company will be billed for all the products placed in the machine on weekly basis.

Contact us now to discuss the option that will best suit your company.


Subsidized Vend.
Once again this program is very popular amongst the High Tech companies.

SVS Vending will place the vending equipment and maintain the equipment at no charge to your company. We will reduce the prices in the vending machines down to an agreed upon price and we will bill the company for the difference.

For example a soda machine could be set to Vend the soda at $0.25 per can. We would then bill the company the difference between $0.25 and the true cost of the soda.

Contact us now to discuss the option that will best suit your company.

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Refer Our Vending Product
If you can provide us with a lead that results in the placement of our vending
equipment we will provide you with a gift certificate to
home depot for
the value of
$75.00 per
Contact Us!
Subsidized sodas are a very inexpensive way to boost employee moral and have a happier workplace.
Desire a particular product? Leave a sticky note on the machine & we will try to have that product for you on our next scheduled delivery...





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